
Showing posts from May, 2019


self control is at the root of all virtues. let a man give the rein to his impulse and passion and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom .he is carried along the current of life and becomes slave of his strongest desire for the time being to be morally free -to be more than an animal -man must be  able to resist the instinctive impulse ,and this can be done only by exercise of SELF CONTROL.thus it is the power constitute the real distinction between moral and physical life ,forms the primary basis of individual character .                                          In the BIBLE ,praise is given not to the stronger man who is" taketh a city 'but to the stronger man who "ruleth his own spirit "this stronger man is who by discipline ,exercise a control over his though...

Friendship for forever

Friendship is essential for the successful wellbeing of every person. It is based on the simple rules of trust and honesty. A true friend is a person you can always count on when you face challenges and serious problems. He or she always offers a shoulder to cry on in case something wrong happens. Your soulmate always listens to your problems, gives you good piece of advice, and never talks behind your back. A true friend is never envious of your accomplishments and achievements. This person respects you and keeps all your secrets. You can always tell your trusted friend your flaws and be sure that your revelations are safe. A good friend is always loyal to you and never lets you down. Being trustworthy is a very important factor in any friendship. A true friendship is a reward for all the good we do in our life. A true friend is there for you in the times of need, he makes you smile when you forgot how to, and lift you up when you can`t not lift up yourself. A true friend ...