Study smart

You study very hard for your exams yet you are disappointed with the results. You question your efforts and wonder why you even bother to study? How to study smart? Most students have experienced this and realize that studying smart is more effective than studying hard. Most student will complain that they have not covered all topics and study a few days before the exam. One of the things I have observed with the smartest students in high school was that they study as they received their notes. This allows them to cover everything they need to know before the exam is even created. The earlier you study, the better.

Before you start studying you have to determine what type of learner you are? If you are visual learning you will incorporate pictures and diagrams during study sessions. This will help you to study faster. If you are easily distracted then take breaks during the study session and reenergize. If you learn quickly from someone else then joining a study group will be the best option for you. Smart students follow good study tips and they are able to ace their exams. This article will discuss some of the best study tips.

Tips on how to study smart

Review often

Develop a study timetable to review your notes each day after class. You will minimize your study session when it comes to preparing for exams. This will also prevent you from cramming and trying to learn all the notes you have days before the exam. Reviewing often helps you to be prepared for any test even pop quiz. You also help the brain to store new information in long-term memory. Those who cram for exam usually forget the information they study because it was stored in short term memory.

Understanding is the key

Some students try to memorize everything they read without trying to understand. This puts them in a difficult position especially when the exams questions are structured in a way that requires the application of knowledge. Students end up failing a test that they claim they studied hard for but the truth is they never understood the materials. If you study to understand you can answer any question on a particular topic. Once you understand a concept you can explain it very well.

Use different materials

Do not rely on notes from the lecture or from your book. Use other materials apart from your notes. You will get a thorough understanding of the topic when you use more than one sources. You can also learn concepts that may be missing from your notes. It allows you to prepare for the examinations thoroughly. The library contains information on most of the topics that are taught in schools. Make sure you take a trip to the library.

Use flash cards

Using flash cards can improve memorization. It will help you to remember key terms and important concepts. Make sure you know the topics to study for by consulting your professors. You condense a large amount of notes using flash cards. You can also draw diagrams to help you to remember important details. It gives you a quick revision a couple minutes before the test. This method is really efficient because it is easy to carry around and you can study anytime and anywhere.

Take breaks

Breaks are important during study session because it helps you to retain information better. Studying for prolong period will make you feel overwhelm and your brain will explode. Well not literally, but feeding the brain too much information will cause congestion. Give your brain time to absorb new materials.  You can study for thirty minutes and then take a break for 10 minutes. Resume and repeat until your study session is over. You can do something enjoyable during the break or just relax. Some people like to listen to soothing music or talk to a friend. It all depends on you.

Teach someone else

Teaching someone else can help you to understand difficult concepts. In order to teach something, you have to know it yourself. While you are teaching you learn as you are forced to express information in your own words. You may have to repeat yourself which reinforces the information. Your student will ask questions and you have to analyze their questions and answer them. Teaching deepens your understanding of the subject.

Join a study group

Joining a study group has saved me during my college years. Everybody could share their views and opinion and a rich discussion could develop among the group. Sometimes one person will know more about a topic than the rest and share it with others. Each topic could be explored by more than one brain. You will be able to tackle complex questions on a past paper as a group. A study group can also make learning and study fun. You are also motivated to study in a group.

Test yourself

Testing yourself can help you to see if you understand the information. It will help to gauge which area you need to focus on more. Sometimes you think you know the concept but when you try to answer a question you find it challenging. Testing yourself help you to understand your topic very good. You can use online test and even past papers. Some teachers will give students access to past papers. You can test yourself under exam conditions to help with your time management.

Connect what you know to the concepts you are trying to learn

During study sessions, you can connect your notes to concepts you already know. It helps you to remember everything correctly. Using analogy can save you and help you to learn the materials faster. You will remember it easily during the examination. You can use acronyms to help you remember concepts. For example, BOMDAS is used in Mathematics to solve complex mathematical problems. A student will remember that subtraction should be done last for any mathematical problem.

Take care of yourself

You should always eat right and get sufficient sleep. Students tend to disrupt their sleeping schedule during the examination period. They also neglect their diet. You will retain more information in a healthy state so eat well and get good rest when you are studying for an exam. You should get at least 8 hours of sleep. Eat food that will enhance brain power such as fish, berries, egg, and broccoli. You can also take supplements as well.

Wrapping it up

Studying smart help you to retain a large amount of information and learn information quickly. You should try to understand every concept you are trying to learn. Use different materials and notes to get a thorough understanding. Study sessions should include break so your brain can recharge from the pressure. Easier said than done but do not wait until you have exams to start studying.




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