Your Beliefs And Thoughts Impact Your Life

We are so sure of our beliefs,views and opinions . We call it the truth . We say that's how things are . But have we ever examined whether any of this true ? Why or how , are we so sure ?
        How do we know that what we think is true ? Right or wrong ,everyone is equally sure . We don't ever doubt our own thinking . Even though we have put in no effort to learn how to think or verify whether what we think is true .
     We are so sure what to eat ,what to drink ,how to behave ,which medical cure will work ,what is best for our children,what is the God 's role in our lives ......... The list is endless . The beliefs are strong . But can we say that the application behind the belief is equally strong ?
        And what is the result of this sureness ? That our life continues with the same frustrating helplessness. Parts of life never seem to get solved . Our potential is never fully realised . We then attribute it to God ,luck ,vaastu or the stars . We do not see that  our opinions and beliefs are the prime movers of our lives .
   If a person believes that money is the be all and end of life ,how will his life be ? What kind of life will he create for himself ? If a person  believes that family is the be all and end all of life ,how would his life be ? Each one has the kind of life that his beliefs render the way they are ,his life will ever remain the way they are his life will ever remain the same - the same problems,the same frustrations ,the same aspirations and the same cycle of Hope and despair . 
     So it would be well worth our time to examine our thoughts , especially in areas where things don't seem to be turning out well .
It's not easy to do this . But it is this kind of objectivity and honesty to ourselves ,that will unfold the life of our dreams . We will lose the feelings of victimisation and become a powerful player in life ...


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